четверг, 9 августа 2018 г.

Older Group Open Lesson 2017


-Good morning everyone.
Good morning, Mrs. Yana.
How are you children?
We are fine.
Are you ready?
Yes, we are.
ü  Now let’s start our new day, but first of all I want to ask you a question. When do we start our day?
-We start our day in the morning.
-What do you usually do in the morning?
-I get up. I wash. I brush my teeth. I comb my hair. I put on my clothes. I comb my hair. I do exercises.
-Now children let’s do exercises.

Hands up. Hands down,
Hands on knees, sit down.
Stand up, hands to the sides,
Bend left, bend right.
Bend left, bend right. Stand straight.
Now let’s jump, run in our place.
Shake each leg, shake arms, now head.
Now let’s have a rest, sit down.
I go to my kindergarten. I have breakfast.
-What do you usually do in the afternoon?
- I have lunch. I do lessons.
-What lessons do you learn?
-I learn Armenian, English, Russian, Spanish, German, Maths, Drawing and Music. I play games. I watch cartoons.
What do you usually do in the evening?
I have dinner. I go home.
This is our daily routine.
Dialogue-  Hello!
            - Hello! How are you?
            -I am fine, thanks. I am in a hurry.
           -Where are you going?
-I am going to my kindergarten. What do you usually do in the morning?
_ I get up, wash my hand and face, brush my teeth, comb my hair, put on my clothes and go to my kindergarten. And what about you?
_ So do I, I go to my kindergarten and have breakfast. How do you get to your kindergarten?
-By taxi. And you.
-By bus. Good bye.
-Good bye.
ü  How to say in English փոխադրամիջոց? Transportation. There are three means of transportation.
 Ցամաքային փոխադրամիջոց-Land Transportation, օդային փոխադրամիջոց –Air Transportation .ջրային փոխադրամիջոց- Water Transportation. Bike, motorbike, tram, train, car, bus, trolley-bus, minibus, helicopter, plane, ropeway, boat, ship, yatch.
Children, how do you usually get to your kindergarten? By car, by taxi, by bus, on foot.
-Children at what do you have to look in the street?
-At traffic light.
-How many colours has the traffic light?
-Three colours.
-Children who can tell the rules of the traffic light?
-When the colour is red stop. When the colour is yellow get ready. When the colour is green go.

ü  Now I want to know how our parts of body serve us.
How can we see? -We can see with our eyes.
How can we hear? We can hear with our ears.
How can we feel? We can feel with our hands.
How can we smell? We can smell with our nose.
How can we taste? We can taste with our mouth.
How many senses do we have? We have 5 senses. What are our five senses? See, hear, taste, smell, touch.
Song- Five senses
ü  Children how to say in English ուտելիք,մթերք food.
Do you like food? Yes, we do.
How to say in English Ես սիրում եմ ուտել:I like to eat. Ես սիրում եմ խմել: I like to drink.
What do you like to eat? I like to eat an ice-cream. What do you like to drink? I like to drink juice.
How to say in English միրգ և բանջարեղեն? Fruit and vegetables. Now let’s say the names.–carrot, potato, tomato, cucumber, onion, garlic, corn, eggplant, pepper, orange, peach, apple, pineapple, tangerine, pear, strawberry, grapes, fig, lemon, apricot, mango, watermelon, plum, etc.
 Children do you like popcorn? Yes, we do. Now let’s make some popcorn together. Put some oil into the pot, put some corn into the pot, cover it. And corns get pop, pop,…..
Now I want you to tell me about some food’s usefulness. What about carrot? It is a root vegetable. Carrots are good for eyes. Carrots clean your teeth and mouth. Potatoes are one of the most common and important food on the planet. We can make kids’ favourite food-potato fries. Tomatoes are very tasty and good for health. They are used to make ketchup. Cucumbers get rid of bad breath. The smell of cucumber helps people to relax. Eggplant is good for your heart, helps with weight loss, helps your bones. It is related to the tomato and potato.
Bananas are one of the most widely consumed fruit. They are grown in at least 107 countries. They help our bones grow stronger, provide us with energy, power our brains. Oranges are the most popular among all the citrus fruits. Oranges are rich in vitamin C, keep teeth, eyes and bones healthy, and protect skin. Remember the proverb an apple a day keeps the doctor away. Apples are good for you. They are rich in vitamins, contain iron, calcium. Apples can be red, yellow, orange, green. Apples are used to make juice, vinegar.
Apples juicy,
Apples round
On the trees or on the ground.
Apples yellow,
Apples red,
Apple pie and juice and bread!
Apples crunchy,
Apples sweet,
Apples are so good to eat!
Song- I like food.

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